Statistics & Research about Zephyrhills,FL - Hadfield Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Zephyrhills,FL an area served by Hadfield Agency Inc

5801 Gall Blvd
Phone : (813) 815-5201

Car dealers nearby Hadfield Agency Inc

Djs Auto Sales

Phone: 813-782-3336

Thomas And Son Inc

Phone: (813) 780-1132

Real estate research for area nearby Hadfield Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
River Ridge 166,500 1181 8.5
Lake Magdalene 182,300 908 6.0
Jan Phyl Village 106,500 870 9.8
Inwood 65,900 772 14.1
Progress Village 130,300 1096 10.1
Moon Lake 63,700 774 14.6
Fuller Heights 140,700 1167 10.0
Polk City 128,800 793 7.4
Zephyrhills South 40,200 754 22.5
Dade City North 89,700 542 7.3

Number of old houses in places near by Hadfield Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Lake Magdalene 217300
Inwood 107700
Polk City 94000
Zephyrhills South 39400
Webster 101300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Hadfield Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
River Ridge 100900
Lake Magdalene 163600
Jan Phyl Village 92900
Inwood 40800
Moon Lake 54200
Fuller Heights 127300
Polk City 114200
Zephyrhills South 25400
Webster 37100
Cheval 120000
Meadow Oaks 96400

Number of blacks in places near by Hadfield Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
River Ridge 42
Lake Magdalene 2706
Jan Phyl Village 615
Inwood 1296
Progress Village 2859
Moon Lake 82
Fuller Heights 353
Polk City 100
Zephyrhills South 20
Dade City North 376
Webster 290
Cheval 572
Meadow Oaks 121

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Hadfield Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Lake Magdalene 164300
Jan Phyl Village 107100
Inwood 59300
Progress Village 88600
Moon Lake 27800
Fuller Heights 117000
Polk City 152500
Zephyrhills South 24800
Dade City North 90700
Webster 115600
Cheval 140000