Statistics & Research about Valrico,FL - Lovinger Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Valrico,FL an area served by Lovinger Insurance Inc

Phone : 813-657-0100

Real estate research for area nearby Lovinger Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Safety Harbor 221,700 1014 5.5
Wimauma 150,300 708 5.7
Lakeland 127,200 889 8.4
St. Leo 360,500 875 2.9
Northdale 190,500 1025 6.5
Fish Hawk 269,800 1681 7.5
University 106,300 764 8.6
Mango 117,600 827 8.4
Wesley Chapel 162,000 1310 9.7
Egypt Lake-Leto 128,000 865 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lovinger Insurance Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Safety Harbor 2915
Wimauma 651
Lakeland 35559
St. Leo 13
Northdale 1750
Fish Hawk 567
University 7680
Mango 1845
Wesley Chapel 3131
Egypt Lake-Leto 5273
Bloomingdale 479
Apollo Beach 1204
Lutz 1071
Brandon 16749
Dade City 2155

Number of old houses in places near by Lovinger Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Safety Harbor 236300
Lakeland 147200
Northdale 1000001
Egypt Lake-Leto 222900
Lutz 173400
Brandon 198600
Dade City 116900

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Lovinger Insurance Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Safety Harbor 369
Wimauma 105
Lakeland 8186
St. Leo 1
Northdale 830
University 6852
Mango 423
Wesley Chapel 695
Egypt Lake-Leto 3654
Bloomingdale 272
Apollo Beach 112
Lutz 486
Brandon 6622
Dade City 760

Number of blacks in places near by Lovinger Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Safety Harbor 588
Wimauma 195
Lakeland 32491
St. Leo 118
Northdale 1192
Fish Hawk 750
University 12475
Mango 1995
Wesley Chapel 4631
Egypt Lake-Leto 2945
Bloomingdale 1855
Apollo Beach 670
Lutz 1176
Brandon 24829
Dade City 2417