Statistics & Research about Oldsmar,FL - Nicholas Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Oldsmar,FL an area served by Nicholas Insurance Llc

3689 TAMPA RD STE 324
Phone : 813-864-3434

Real estate research for area nearby Nicholas Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
University 106,300 764 8.6
Temple Terrace 174,200 988 6.8
Tarpon Springs 196,000 1044 6.4
Northdale 190,500 1025 6.5
Tierra Verde 379,500 1413 4.5
Dunedin 170,500 948 6.7
North Redington Beach 537,500 1184 2.6
Trinity 267,700 1493 6.7
Central Pasco 184,700 1284 8.3
Mango 117,600 827 8.4

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Nicholas Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
University 84300
Temple Terrace 157400
Tarpon Springs 175700
Northdale 186600
Tierra Verde 388800
Dunedin 183200
North Redington Beach 732100
Trinity 222800
Central Pasco 146400
Mango 77600
Safety Harbor 218400
Citrus Park 171800
Jasmine Estates 87500
Pebble Creek 186200
Shady Hills 122400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Nicholas Insurance Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
University 12
Temple Terrace 196
Tarpon Springs 1528
Northdale 133
Tierra Verde 34
Dunedin 142
North Redington Beach 13
Trinity 348
Central Pasco 2066
Mango 13
Safety Harbor 225
Citrus Park 272
Jasmine Estates 24
Pebble Creek 363
Shady Hills 115

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Nicholas Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
University 150000
Temple Terrace 183200
Tarpon Springs 314500
Northdale 321600
Tierra Verde 525300
Dunedin 335000
North Redington Beach 551500
Trinity 273700
Central Pasco 193500
Mango 137200
Safety Harbor 287500
Citrus Park 221400
Jasmine Estates 99200
Pebble Creek 244200
Shady Hills 193500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Nicholas Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
University 31800
Temple Terrace 154800
Tarpon Springs 274500
Northdale 202500
Tierra Verde 356900
Dunedin 254500
North Redington Beach 649200
Trinity 263100
Central Pasco 183600
Mango 119800
Safety Harbor 320700
Citrus Park 251800
Jasmine Estates 155000
Pebble Creek 221700
Shady Hills 137000