Statistics & Research about Brandon,FL - Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Brandon,FL an area served by Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Phone : 813-654-3100

Real estate research for area nearby Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Central Pasco 184,700 1284 8.3
St. Leo 360,500 875 2.9
Fussels Corner 67,900 868 15.3
Odessa 212,600 1309 7.4
Dover 113,300 734 7.8
Carrollwood 199,300 984 5.9
Mango 117,600 827 8.4
Lutz 236,700 875 4.4
Palm River-Clair Mel 114,300 903 9.5
Apollo Beach 213,100 1283 7.2

Number of whites in places near by Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Place name Number of whites
Central Pasco 100650
St. Leo 941
Fussels Corner 4632
Odessa 6425
Dover 3157
Carrollwood 29234
Mango 8056
Lutz 16468
Palm River-Clair Mel 12864
Apollo Beach 13186
Gibsonton 12259
Lake Magdalene 23688
Feather Sound 2860
Plant City 71143
University 21075

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Central Pasco 7349
St. Leo 13
Fussels Corner 1800
Odessa 711
Dover 435
Carrollwood 3614
Mango 1845
Lutz 1071
Palm River-Clair Mel 2177
Apollo Beach 1204
Gibsonton 1746
Lake Magdalene 3889
Feather Sound 1096
Plant City 9194
University 7680

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Central Pasco 146400
St. Leo 283300
Fussels Corner 34400
Odessa 157100
Dover 18300
Carrollwood 192100
Mango 77600
Lutz 206800
Palm River-Clair Mel 109800
Apollo Beach 263500
Gibsonton 86100
Lake Magdalene 163600
Feather Sound 215100
Plant City 131000
University 84300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Southshore Insurance Professionals Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Central Pasco 22349
St. Leo 59
Fussels Corner 912
Odessa 1132
Dover 409
Carrollwood 6323
Mango 2019
Lutz 3187
Palm River-Clair Mel 3901
Apollo Beach 3559
Gibsonton 2603
Lake Magdalene 4030
Feather Sound 346
Plant City 14477
University 3282