Statistics & Research about Spring Hill,FL - Whiting Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Spring Hill,FL an area served by Whiting Agency Inc

Phone : 352-686-2891

Real estate research for area nearby Whiting Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Port Richey 103,000 874 10.2
Bushnell-Center Hill 104,000 718 8.3
Pine Ridge 237,900 1024 5.2
Nobleton 81100 NA NA
Inverness 116,900 778 8.0
Hernando County 128,400 880 8.2
Northdale 190,500 1025 6.5
Aripeka 258000 NA NA
Dade City North 89,700 542 7.3
Black Diamond 422000 NA NA

Number of old houses in places near by Whiting Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Port Richey 150600
Bushnell-Center Hill 87000
Inverness 90400
Hernando County 161900
Northdale 1000001
Keystone-Citrus Park 184800

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Whiting Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Port Richey 169100
Bushnell-Center Hill 126600
Pine Ridge 262900
Inverness 173700
Hernando County 167100
Northdale 321600
Dade City North 71800
Black Diamond 521500
Brookridge 121700
Sugarmill Woods 184300
Connerton 283900
Keystone-Citrus Park 301100
Meadow Oaks 156400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Whiting Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Port Richey 19862
Bushnell-Center Hill 5213
Pine Ridge 2858
Nobleton 11
Inverness 16731
Hernando County 39631
Northdale 3634
Aripeka 27
Dade City North 316
Black Diamond 416
Brookridge 658
Sugarmill Woods 2633
Connerton 236
Keystone-Citrus Park 18813
Meadow Oaks 412

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Whiting Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Port Richey 131800
Bushnell-Center Hill 99000
Pine Ridge 229100
Inverness 147200
Hernando County 156500
Northdale 202500
Dade City North 122000
Black Diamond 298000
Brookridge 82800
Sugarmill Woods 172900
Keystone-Citrus Park 275300
Meadow Oaks 151900